About Me
As a versatile voice over artist based in Washington DC, I specialize in commercial voice overs, narration for documentaries and e-learning, and dynamic character voices for animation and video games. Available for projects worldwide.
How did you get your signature voice sound?
Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago until the age of eight, I was raised with the classic "Midwestern American" voice. Moving frequently in my youth across the country exposed me to a broad array of people- with myriad accents, dialects, and subtleties.
Do you have voice-over training?
I have a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from the University of Central Florida, with a focus on Broadcast Journalism. This training has given me the ability to project my voice with a range of speeds, intensities, and cadences. It also taught me to apply my voice in different ways, depending on the subject matter, context, or media.
I offer the following VO services:
- Commercial voice over for online, radio, and television
- Narration voice over, including e-books, podcasts, and more
- Character voices, for games, movies, and shows